Uli Kuenzel

Let’s do some email magic

I put this one together because a lot of founders are getting ghosted by investors.

But it doesn’t have to be like that.

I teach my clients a powerful (cold) email system that books more calls and meetings than warm intros.

And my client Carlos graciously agreed for me to use one of his emails to show you what this system can do.

So Carlos had a problem…

He’d been chasing this investor, Gesa, who he thought would be perfect for his Seed round.

There was initial contact about 4 months ago.

But since then Gesa hadn’t replied to any of his 5 follow-ups.

Though Carlos wasn’t willing to let her go just yet. So he came to me for help.

I taught him my email system. And together we wrote another follow-up to Gesa.

2 hours later we had a meeting booked

Gesa 1.png

If you want me to teach you my email system that books meetings & calls with investors (even if you don’t have any warm intros)…

Book a call here and I’ll show you how to get started